Week 9 Map - Ethan
Performance as a mode of political power Not all about dances and dancers, rather about social fields generated by experimental movement/choreography Five singularities are activated by performances and they, “express the proper name of the event they precipitate: the event of thingness, …darkness,… animality,… persistence,… solidity,” (7) Neoliberalism acknowledges the power of performance. It requires that citizens perform but it issues and imposes its own model of performance. Neoliberalism deems performance as something to be ‘dealt with’ and does so through “surveillance of the citizenry, the privatization of cultural activities, the economization of artistic expression, and the movement of sociality as mainly the movement of Self(ie)-images disseminated through controlled and monetized cyber-platforms are the rule” (9). Dance, or the social field it creates, is about remedying the ailment of human’s lost nature but its own practice illuminates the futility of this purpose (85). ...