Performance Notes Initiated by Misty
Hey, here is a spot for us to add notes to the performances: Laura: I thought your performance was inspired and powerful, and deserving of a spot light. Meaning, I am wondering if the lighting in theatre could be dark and you put in a spotlight? The screen is distracting in the back when it is lit up. Also, i think the projector was on too? This note goes for all the performances actually. Kali: Unfortunately I had to go to the bathroom during yours. Perhaps other clips of white trash? Maybe that's too much editing work. And/or add a naysayer? Like, "white trash are not the most oppressed people in the world, but suffering and stigmatization costs lives, and so its important to understand this form of oppression too." Josiah: This performance reminded me of Michael Jackson's performance methods in his BAD concert, which I was lucky to see as a kid. He would appear and disappear from different parts of the stage, and perform leaving his body with either a dummy, ...